About Us
We are a personal and home care custom manufacturer that focuses on making Anyhudrous goods from upcycled ingredients and collaborate with component manufacturers who use ocean plastic or compostable resin for their components.
We do this for two primary reasons. One is to protect one of our most valuable resources, water, and to leave less carbon footprints so that we can be kind to our home, earth, and other living beings, particularly marine life.
Here are some additional advantages to producing water-free, anhydrous products.
- Instead of watered-down items, consumers receive intensified products.
- A few manufacturing phases are omitted, such as batch heating and cooling.
- We use far less water to clean the tools we use in the production process.
- Because finished goods are extremely light in weight, transporting things requires significantly less gas, fossil fuel.
The advantages of employing upcycled ingredients.
- Because these substances are derived from plant farm waste, they are environmentally friendly and safe for our marine creatures.
- We are reducing traffic to the dump sites.
- Most importantly, our ingredients are not hazardous to us, humans.
- The advantages of adopting ocean/compostable packaging.
- Compostable materials are always preferable to biodegradable materials because we don’t know how long they take to biodegrade.
- Ocean plastics are recyclable materials that have been upcycled.
We can provide turn-key services with a focus on sustainability. Please contact us to learn more about what we can do for you and your products. Participate in the Earth Saving Campaign.